Tuesday, July 26, 2016

The worst version of you.

  I feel like I am rotten inside. Numb to all the feelings that other people seem to have an over abundance of. I don't think that this is a bad thing(for me at least) but other people do find this to be upsetting. I just do not think that showing the world every emotion that creeps into your head is a good thing. Trust me when I say "we all have shit/baggage to contend with. I say whats in my head most of the time and a lot of the time that is hurtful to others. BULLSHIT. It is my rite to voice my opinion about anything I wish. If your being an asshole, than your being an asshole. Is it not my duty to tell you. We may not like the subject and it may be uncomfortable but jesus, are we so worried about how other people perceive us that we are willing to damn ourselves in the process. Taking a moral stand to be honest with each other is a start. I mean REALLY honest. Tell each other when we are being dishonest, or just plain stupid. When we are being hurt full or deceiving  to each other. Do not stand by and let people walk on you or anybody else. Be open and angry if we have to. Yes you are a pain in the ass, do not be angry when you get told so. It is the truth. It is going to happen again.DEAL with it and pass on the kindness of telling your neighbors!!
                                                                                                                           " The Peddler

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