Saturday, July 9, 2016

Happiness as a reason to fail.

Happiness is measured in many ways. Money, love, new experiences, sex. These things are all previewed differently by all of us. I have a great life. Not great in the I'm so rich I can buy.....well lets face it I can't buy much, but my life is good. I have a good job, a great wife and an asshole dog that loves me too much. Why do I always seem to find a way to turn happiness into failure? I always seem to find a way to make sure that the people around me constantly are disapproving of the choices I make. Why? A better question I suppose is why they care? I don't get high, or drink too much. I pay my bills on time, I don't abuse anybody. I am nice and polite to the people I come in contact with. What is it that they assume I am doing wrong? Yes I often come across as abrasive and crass, but I feel like I have a right to voice my opinion about the things you say and do if they are directed at me, That is the basic social contract that you sign when you decide to be personally involved in my life. I am allowed to make you feel bad if you are acting that way. People tell me I always wait until I am the happiest to sabotage things. BULLSHIT!! The things I say and do may upset you but at the end of the day I honestly believe that my happiness takes the front seat. Me is my drug of choice. Yes I am selfish and sometimes maybe narcissistic but I go home happy...and if you ask me in the game of life............I WIN!!!                  
                                                                                                                                  "The Peddler.  

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