Saturday, July 9, 2016

This is your brain on love.

     Take a look back on your relationships. Can you remember a time when you were thinking and acting rationally? If you can then you were most likely single. We all want to be "in love". We strive to find that special someone that makes us better. Are we crazy? Are we just that selfish? I really believe that one of the reasons we search so hard to find that someone is so we will have at least one person who will continuously agree to listen to our bullshit. The kicker is that we agree to basically give up who we really are to have that comfort at the ready. We are who we are. We change to suit our partners. As men we take on tasks that we would not,  in normal circumstances 
undergo. We hold back on the things we think and are worse for it. Why do we sign up for this? Why do we change our most basic beliefs to please someone else? Is it the sex that drives us? Is it the company? Love? I think that it is just programmed insanity. If someone is wrong, they are wrong. I should not have to hold my tongue to appease another. My wife always says that honesty is key, but why does that only apply to my faults? Why can I not point out when she is wrong without being made to feel like an asshole. I guess at the end of the day people do not really want honesty, they just want to be pandered to. God forbid you actually live an honest existence. My point is, be honest. Tell them when they are wrong and be happier for it. Do not be that person who wakes up one day and figures out that they have lost all sense of who they used to be. Apply this to everyone......Don't be a doormat. Be the only honest person you know, you will love yourself for it
                                                                                                                 "The Peddler

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