Friday, July 8, 2016

A is for apparently.

Ok. Well here we are. So I had what could only be described as one of those moments we have in life that we do not like to admit the existence of. So my last post consisted of a small bit of ranting. We only need to focus on the part about posting our lives online. As if it were not bad enough to realize that yes I am an ASSHOLE. I realized that as I was posting the fact that we all post to much, I came to realize that I am a hypocrite. Here I was posting my life and shame slapping those who do the same but do it with smaller, less important details in there life. So this got me to thinking. What else am I hypocritical about? I now know. A small piece of advise to you.  Do not ask people this question about yourself! Not if you ever want to live happy. Ohhh ignorance really is bliss. So here is what I found out.

1. I complain about selfishness as a whole but APPARENTLY I am selfish. I concluded that my wife was not the first person I should have gone to!
2. I Complain about everything. Now I always assumed that people knew that the things I say are just observations about the general stupidity of those around me, but APPARENTLY It should just be ok for you to not know the correct way to spell. I mean really every IPhone and computer known to man has spell checker. Is it wrong for me to point out the pure laziness of someone who just thinks it sounds like it should be spelled that way.......really?

  Now there are many more, but obviously I am not going to make you hate me. My point is. Yes I am a hypocrite. Yes I am selfish. Now take a moment and agree that are you. We all are in one form or another. We live our lives mostly to please our selfs. Occasionally we find the time or need to do something for someone else, but in the end that just makes us feel good so how can we really say we do it for pure motives only. Now I know everyone wants to pull out the kids...stop...don't... You are only lying to your self if you think we sit around watching horrible cartoons because its good for the kids, we do it because it makes us feel good to see them happy. I am not saying that we do not love people. We do. I am only saying that so called pure acts of kindness are like unicorns. Now with that said I will tell you that being protective over what is ours is more common.( sounds like I am getting off the subject, I am Not, keep reading).  So we get protective over many things. We protect our kids, our family, our money, homes, and property. Now some people (you know who you are) protect their emotions. Some people are so protective over them that they lie to make sure they stay intact. Acts of kindness are APPARENTLY a great way to keep your emotions from getting fouled up. If everyone likes you than they will never hurt you. See my point. Protect yours and fuck the rest. Don't get caught up in the have to values of society. Be selfish. Be hypocritical and remain happy and blissfully ignorant.

                                                                                                                     "The Peddler

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