Tuesday, July 26, 2016

The worst version of you.

  I feel like I am rotten inside. Numb to all the feelings that other people seem to have an over abundance of. I don't think that this is a bad thing(for me at least) but other people do find this to be upsetting. I just do not think that showing the world every emotion that creeps into your head is a good thing. Trust me when I say "we all have shit/baggage to contend with. I say whats in my head most of the time and a lot of the time that is hurtful to others. BULLSHIT. It is my rite to voice my opinion about anything I wish. If your being an asshole, than your being an asshole. Is it not my duty to tell you. We may not like the subject and it may be uncomfortable but jesus, are we so worried about how other people perceive us that we are willing to damn ourselves in the process. Taking a moral stand to be honest with each other is a start. I mean REALLY honest. Tell each other when we are being dishonest, or just plain stupid. When we are being hurt full or deceiving  to each other. Do not stand by and let people walk on you or anybody else. Be open and angry if we have to. Yes you are a pain in the ass, do not be angry when you get told so. It is the truth. It is going to happen again.DEAL with it and pass on the kindness of telling your neighbors!!
                                                                                                                           " The Peddler

Saturday, July 9, 2016

Happiness as a reason to fail.

Happiness is measured in many ways. Money, love, new experiences, sex. These things are all previewed differently by all of us. I have a great life. Not great in the I'm so rich I can buy.....well lets face it I can't buy much, but my life is good. I have a good job, a great wife and an asshole dog that loves me too much. Why do I always seem to find a way to turn happiness into failure? I always seem to find a way to make sure that the people around me constantly are disapproving of the choices I make. Why? A better question I suppose is why they care? I don't get high, or drink too much. I pay my bills on time, I don't abuse anybody. I am nice and polite to the people I come in contact with. What is it that they assume I am doing wrong? Yes I often come across as abrasive and crass, but I feel like I have a right to voice my opinion about the things you say and do if they are directed at me, That is the basic social contract that you sign when you decide to be personally involved in my life. I am allowed to make you feel bad if you are acting that way. People tell me I always wait until I am the happiest to sabotage things. BULLSHIT!! The things I say and do may upset you but at the end of the day I honestly believe that my happiness takes the front seat. Me is my drug of choice. Yes I am selfish and sometimes maybe narcissistic but I go home happy...and if you ask me in the game of life............I WIN!!!                  
                                                                                                                                  "The Peddler.  

This is your brain on love.

     Take a look back on your relationships. Can you remember a time when you were thinking and acting rationally? If you can then you were most likely single. We all want to be "in love". We strive to find that special someone that makes us better. Are we crazy? Are we just that selfish? I really believe that one of the reasons we search so hard to find that someone is so we will have at least one person who will continuously agree to listen to our bullshit. The kicker is that we agree to basically give up who we really are to have that comfort at the ready. We are who we are. We change to suit our partners. As men we take on tasks that we would not,  in normal circumstances 
undergo. We hold back on the things we think and are worse for it. Why do we sign up for this? Why do we change our most basic beliefs to please someone else? Is it the sex that drives us? Is it the company? Love? I think that it is just programmed insanity. If someone is wrong, they are wrong. I should not have to hold my tongue to appease another. My wife always says that honesty is key, but why does that only apply to my faults? Why can I not point out when she is wrong without being made to feel like an asshole. I guess at the end of the day people do not really want honesty, they just want to be pandered to. God forbid you actually live an honest existence. My point is, be honest. Tell them when they are wrong and be happier for it. Do not be that person who wakes up one day and figures out that they have lost all sense of who they used to be. Apply this to everyone......Don't be a doormat. Be the only honest person you know, you will love yourself for it
                                                                                                                 "The Peddler

Friday, July 8, 2016

A is for apparently.

Ok. Well here we are. So I had what could only be described as one of those moments we have in life that we do not like to admit the existence of. So my last post consisted of a small bit of ranting. We only need to focus on the part about posting our lives online. As if it were not bad enough to realize that yes I am an ASSHOLE. I realized that as I was posting the fact that we all post to much, I came to realize that I am a hypocrite. Here I was posting my life and shame slapping those who do the same but do it with smaller, less important details in there life. So this got me to thinking. What else am I hypocritical about? I now know. A small piece of advise to you.  Do not ask people this question about yourself! Not if you ever want to live happy. Ohhh ignorance really is bliss. So here is what I found out.

1. I complain about selfishness as a whole but APPARENTLY I am selfish. I concluded that my wife was not the first person I should have gone to!
2. I Complain about everything. Now I always assumed that people knew that the things I say are just observations about the general stupidity of those around me, but APPARENTLY It should just be ok for you to not know the correct way to spell. I mean really every IPhone and computer known to man has spell checker. Is it wrong for me to point out the pure laziness of someone who just thinks it sounds like it should be spelled that way.......really?

  Now there are many more, but obviously I am not going to make you hate me. My point is. Yes I am a hypocrite. Yes I am selfish. Now take a moment and agree that yes....so are you. We all are in one form or another. We live our lives mostly to please our selfs. Occasionally we find the time or need to do something for someone else, but in the end that just makes us feel good so how can we really say we do it for pure motives only. Now I know everyone wants to pull out the kids...stop...don't... You are only lying to your self if you think we sit around watching horrible cartoons because its good for the kids, we do it because it makes us feel good to see them happy. I am not saying that we do not love people. We do. I am only saying that so called pure acts of kindness are like unicorns. Now with that said I will tell you that being protective over what is ours is more common.( sounds like I am getting off the subject, I am Not, keep reading).  So we get protective over many things. We protect our kids, our family, our money, homes, and property. Now some people (you know who you are) protect their emotions. Some people are so protective over them that they lie to make sure they stay intact. Acts of kindness are APPARENTLY a great way to keep your emotions from getting fouled up. If everyone likes you than they will never hurt you. See my point. Protect yours and fuck the rest. Don't get caught up in the have to values of society. Be selfish. Be hypocritical and remain happy and blissfully ignorant.

                                                                                                                     "The Peddler

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

T minus 10 and accounting.

Day one. (All things not important)

  Today, like most days I woke up. This is not unusual in it's self, most of us do it every day. Now barring the fact that you may be a coma patient, or another sad collage girl wishing (as we speak ) that she had not excepted that last drink from Biff, and then preceded to spend the rest of her night wondering "why on earth did I start licking his balls, I hate balls and they taste like Axe" the point is you woke up. I get up, I go to work. I sit in traffic for very very long periods of time. I see these people driving along the road on the way to a job that they most likely hate as much as spinach.(and yes I know I know people like spinach), but not really. In any event there I am. My "job" if we are going to use the technical term, is fund raising. Now I know all of you are thinking "good lord man, what a great job"......NO. With out getting into details about the outfit I work for, I will say that providing services to the community in the form of FIRE SAFETY is my job.(please take a min to deduce who I work for) .....there ya go. Anyway people say "help" when they are in trouble. They pick up there phone when their, not so bright fourth grader decides "hey today would be an awesome day to see if mommies pink robe is flammable". Now, answer me this. Are we responsible for the communities we live in? Are we so numb to all the things that make for great news in the morning? I personally think that people are so busy thinking up new and exciting ways to post the fact that they have just recently purchased a diet coke, and little jimmy pooped in different colors today...WHO CARES. I have to believe that social media was created for a higher purpose.(like man) The world that we live in. No the world that we and those before us have created is generally a let down. And if we spend our days in some facetwitt zone of happiness we will fall for it all.STOP LISTENING.! Do not listen to that bubbly girl in accounting who swears that if her life was any more perfect she'd just die. Not true. She says these things to make YOU hate YOU. At the end of the day I promise she watches the same porn you do, and contrary to popular belief, yes she does.(you can insert that phrase anywhere). Yes she cries. Yes she poops. Yes she would go down on the mailman's uncle if he would just say he loved her..ohhhh nancy!! You get my point. So I say be miserable. Be grumpy and keep your money on Sunday. Tell your neighbor that his kid is a moron and if his dog shits on your lawn one more time...you will take his wife up on that roll in the hay she offers every Saturday when he is golfing with his ol'e collage chums. Go forth and dedicate your day to making at least one person hate you. I will........ later..

                                                                                                              The Peddler.